Your home is part of a community association that is registered with the State of California as a Non-Profit Mutual Benefit Corporation. The Association is managed by a Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors is the governing body, elected by the association members, to oversee the business affairs of the Association. The Board establishes the rules and regulations, approves the annual budget, oversees the maintenance of the common areas, enforces the governing documents (CC&R’s, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation) and is the decision making body for all association business.
The Regular Meeting will be called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse every 4th Thursday of the each month unless differently announced.
Agendas will be posted at least four (4) days prior to the meeting at the community Clubhouse.
Below the Agenda for the next upcoming Board meeting:
Planning and conducting an effective board meeting starts with a good meeting agenda. The agenda is the “road map” of the meeting and is a useful and powerful tool to keep both board members and homeowners on topic and in control. In fact, the agenda must be part of the notice of a meeting which is provided to the members in advance of the meeting. A good agenda will facilitate a smooth, efficient and effective board meeting. The following are elements of a meeting agenda and descriptions of relevant items:
Notice must be posted in a prominent place or places in the common areas and by mail to any owner who had requested notice by mail. In addition, notice may be given by mail, by delivery of the notice to each unit in the development, by newsletter or similar means of communication, or, with the consent of the member, by electronic means. (California Civil Code section 1363.05(f)).
The executive session may be held before or after the open session board meeting, or at another time not related to the open session board meeting, depending on the business needed to be discussed or the respective availability of your directors, attorney and/or any participating members. Because the executive section portion of a meeting is confidential, a separate agenda for the executive session part of the meeting should be prepared to outline the topics the board will discuss in the closed session.
This is the informal, but official opening of the board meeting.
This is the time set aside to ratify the meeting minutes of the last board meeting. In addition, the board may introduce and/or ratify any business that was conducted via an emergency email meeting by unanimous consent.
Old Business: The board may discuss unresolved or tabled items of business from the last board meeting.
New Business: This is the time set aside to discuss new items presented to the board for discussion and vote. During this time the board may also discuss matters that are regularly discussed in board meetings (i.e., discuss and approve the budget or association financials).
Member Open Forum: Some boards may choose to have an open forum meeting at the beginning of the board meeting rather than the end. Either way, members must be provided with an opportunity to speak and address the board for a reasonable period of time at some point during the board meeting. Some issues may not be set forth on the agenda or discussed by the board during the regular board business portion of the agenda. In open forum, members may be allowed to address the board regarding issues or matters requiring a vote. As stated above, time limitations may be utilized to ensure that the board meeting can be ended on time.
Adjurn: This is a formal call to end the board meeting and conclude all association business until the next meeting of the board.
Feel free to contact me any time for more info.